Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Public Relations/Outreach (PR)

Public Relations & Outreach Subcommittee

CCANA PR Subcommittee Purpose

  • To inform the public that Narcotics Anonymous (NA) exists and offers recovery from the disease of addiction and to ensure that accurate information about our fellowship is available to our local home groups and the public
  • To offer accurate information about how and where to find NA meetings and its service structure through various channels such as the CCANA, CRNA and NAWS Websites, and the Carolina Regional Service Committee (CRSC) phoneline
  • To maintain communication and collaboration with surrounding areas through the Carolina Regional Service Committee (CRSC) PR, Phoneline, and Technology Subcommittees, Narcotics Anonymous World Services (NAWS) and the Southeast Zonal Form (SEZF)
  • To assist and support other CCANA subcommittees, Groups, GSRs, members, and potential members with public Public Relations material
  • To conduct all PR activities in accordance with the methods described in the NAWS Public Relations Handbook and the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts for NA service

CCANA Disaster Contingency Plan

  • Our current DCP can be found here: DCP

PR & Outreach will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm for their monthly Business Meetings at the Hope Recovery Center at 3403 Winston Blvd (Click location to map it).

Information regarding PR & Outreach events can be found on our Area Events page.